- Never, ever leave your dog in the car, temperatures can increase very quickly and can be deadly for your furend.
- Make sure your dog has unlimited access to fresh water. Like humans dogs need more fresh water at hot summer days.
- Make sure your dog has access to shade when outside or keep and open door for them to get inside when it is too hot.
- Take walks during early morings or a while after sunset.
- When walking, try to stay off of hot surfaces (like asphalt, concrete ) because it can be harmful to your furend’s paws.
- If you think it’s hot outside, it’s even hotter for your pet (try to go out with a winter coat at summer) – make sure your pet has a means of cooling off like shaded area, water baths etc.
- Keep your dog free of external parasites (fleas, ticks) an Continue reading 9 Things you can do for your dogs at a hot summer day!